Virtua Fighter's subtleties are usually lost on gamers who like pure offense and all action, while timing, defense and the art of learning your opponent's strategies are downplayed and forgotten. The Colin McRae series, in its own strange way, is like Sega's Virtua Fighter series. Gameplay Please allow me to draw a silly comparison. The simple answer is this: Go buy the game, but consider yourself warned. So what's a rally fanatic to do? There are few rally games that come close to this series, and on PlayStation 2 the choices for rally games are vast, so one must pick carefully. In fine-tuning the game for these new systems, adding millions more polygons for the cars and levels and tweaking the incredibly luxurious physics system, it's clear the team had to give up something to achieve such a high standard in physics and handling. It offers fewer modes, cars and tracks than its predecessor, but the engine had to be built from the ground up for PS2, Xbox and PC, and that's not an easy task. Like Polyphony Digital's Gran Turismo 3 A-spec, Colin McRae Rally 3 is slimmed down from its previous generation iteration. But it's also surprisingly short on game modes, and the game's singular dependence on the Ford Focus in the game's Championship mode is a questionable decision.

The game's crisp, detailed graphics, nearly perfect physics and handling capabilities - and an excellent set of cars and tracks on which to race - will instantly capture any rally racer's heart. Now, after having led with its first next-gen version on Xbox, Colin McRae Rally 3 the PlayStation 2 version is ready. Bursting onto the English scene in 1998 (and in the US in 1999 under Sony Computer Entertainment America), the original Colin McRae Rally drew tremendous critical acclaim for its sensational realistic take on the sport, which heavily countered Sega's original arcade leanings. Leading the pack over the last four years in the rally genre is, without a doubt, Codemasters' Colin McRae Rally series.

The worldwide sport of rally racing has never, and may never, fully bloom in the US, but until then it appears publishers are perpetually willing to haul their great rally efforts over from the UK for the few US fans who simply can't get enough of this extremely explosive, dangerous and incredibly dynamic sport. I like my speed, and I like it dirty, which is why rally racing appeals so much to me. Whether it's by skiing downhill, flying in a jet plane, or by pressing your foot down on the acceleration pedal of a powerful rally car, the experience of traveling fast is downright irresistible. There are few greater sensations than pure, unadulterated speed.